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Jessica and I spoke about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
— Order Elle the Humanist and get a 10% discount with the promo code “friendlyatheist”!
— The Arkansas legislature has passed a bill that would force women seeking an abortion to call an anti-abortion hotline first. (0:42)
— The same Arkansas legislature passed a bill allowing churches to hold super-spreader events during a pandemic. (5:30)
— The leader of one of the largest atheist groups in the country is stepping down and hoping a person of color replaces him. (10:12)
— Are Southern Baptists still racist? Here’s Exhibit 1. (15:50)
— A priest on YouTube called out “pro-life” hypocrisy and viewers lashed out! (32:00)
— Democrats rejected saying the Pledge of Allegiance at House Judiciary Committee meetings because it’s pointless. (40:45)
— A report on a German archdiocese reveals some truly horrifying details. (44:15)
— The Catholic Church hoarded billions of dollars in PPP loans. (49:53)
— Are all Republicans evil? A discussion. (53:55)