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Jessica and I spoke about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
— I’ve shifted to Substack. (0:48)
— Saddleback Church was kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention for having a woman pastor. (1:56)
— Arizona House Republicans passed a bill forcing kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools. (14:13)
— Nikki Haley, who wants to present herself as a sane Republican, got an extremist pastor to kick off her presidential campaign. (23:50)
— A former member of Westboro Baptist Church is now whitewashing a different kind of hate. (30:53)
— Nebraska State Sen. Megan Hunt called out her Christian colleagues for ignoring Jesus in how they vote. (40:03)
— A Christian school canceled a concert after learning one of the singers is gay. (46:35)
— The Feds fined the Mormon Church and its investment division for trying to hide its assets. (59:15)
— A victim of the Satanic Panic, Melvin Quinney, has finally been exonerated. (1:10:59)
— Don’t automatically trust stories about pastors who die for bizarre religion-related reasons in Africa. (1:17:19)