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Fred Clark, Progressive Christian Blogger

Fred Clark is a progressive evangelical Christian blogger better known as Slacktivist. He’s one of those Christians who defies all the stereotypes atheists tend to have of Christians. He’s for gay marriage, critical of church leaders, and constantly frustrated with what his “tribe” does in the name of Jesus.

We spoke with Fred about why he’s still working on the longest-running book review ever, what will happen to the Christian church after gay marriage becomes legal everywhere, and how Christians can change church culture from the inside.

Full disclosure: Fred writes for Patheos, the same network on which you can find the Friendly Atheist blog.

Joe Jervis,

Joe Jervis is the prolific blogger at Joe. My. God., quite possibly the most popular personal blog about LGBT issues in the world. He’s been writing on the site for more than 10 years — a lifetime in the Internet world. His site has received multiple awards from groups like GLAAD, CBS News and The Village Voice.

We spoke with Joe about how he manages to cover seemingly *everything* in the LGBT world, his unique vacation habits, and the biggest problems in his community.