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Billy Hallowell,

Billy Hallowell is the faith editor for, perhaps better known as Glenn Beck’s website. He has also written pieces for The Washington Post, The Daily Caller, The Huffington Post, and several other websites, and he is a frequent guest on Fox News Channel. His interest in politics and social issues goes far back, though. He used to be the CEO of VoterWatch, a non-partisan nonprofit focusing on government transparency, and even began a website in high school encouraging students to make a difference in their communities.

We spoke with Billy about what he’s learned from working under Glenn Beck, what conservatives do poorly, and how we share a surprising bond involving actor Nicolas Cage.

Joe Jervis,

Joe Jervis is the prolific blogger at Joe. My. God., quite possibly the most popular personal blog about LGBT issues in the world. He’s been writing on the site for more than 10 years — a lifetime in the Internet world. His site has received multiple awards from groups like GLAAD, CBS News and The Village Voice.

We spoke with Joe about how he manages to cover seemingly *everything* in the LGBT world, his unique vacation habits, and the biggest problems in his community.