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Dan Arel, Author of Parenting Without God

Dan Arel has written articles about religion, science, and politics for websites like Salon, AlterNet, and the Huffington Post. His first book, called Parenting Without God, was released in August.

We spoke with Dan about how his religious teacher used to fast-forward through science videos, what it was like growing up in a Pentecostal Christian home, and why it’s important to discuss parenting without religion.

Dale McGowan, Author of In Faith and In Doubt

Dale McGowan is the author of a number of excellent books about atheism. His books Parenting Beyond Belief and Raising Freethinkers are all about bringing up children without religion. He’s the author of Atheism for Dummies, a book that surprisingly didn’t exist until 2013. He began Foundation Beyond Belief to encourage atheists to give to charity. He’s the manager of the Atheist Channel on (full disclosure: that’s where I blog). And his latest book, In Faith and In Doubt, is all about relationships between atheists and believers.

We spoke with Dale about how to make mixed-faith marriages work, the biggest surprise he uncovered during his search, and the importance of a hand squeeze between loved ones.