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Jessica and I sat down to talk about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
They included:
— Cardinal George Pell just became the highest-ranking Vatican official charged with sex abuse.
— Sarah Huckabee Sanders‘ irrational godly defense of Donald Trump’s misogyny.
— The Christian who vandalized the new Ten Commandments monument outside the Arkansas Capitol building.
— Judge Sonia Sotomayor‘s eloquent dissent in the Trinity Lutheran case.
— How the Christian harassing an atheist lawyer defended himself by saying he’s “man enough” to stand behind his hateful words.
— Whether hooking up really happens less often on Catholic campuses and what that really means.
— How the people buying products from Infowars and Goop are all irrational.
— The House Republicans’ plan to use a budget bill to repeal the Johnson Amendment.
— How Canadians would rather see an atheist Prime Minister than an Evangelical one.
— There are no longer any openly atheist elected officials in the Republican Party.
— Upcoming talks, including one outside Ark Encounter.
(Screenshot via YouTube)
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