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Queer Disbelief, a book Hemant edited, is now out on Kindle and in paperback! Go pick up a copy!
Jessica and I sat down to talk about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
— Kent Hovind is advertising his new Creationist theme park using a meme mocking Creationists. (1:41)
— White evangelical Christian support for Donald Trump is at an all-time high. (7:37)
— The frighteningly conservative White House Bible studies being run by Capitol Ministries’ Ralph Drollinger. (13:40)
— A Stanford study doesn’t really show that the most religious kids do best in school. (17:56)
— Pope Francis lied to a kid about whether or not his dead atheist father was in Heaven. (26:18)
— This is a fairly accurate assessment of why people think Christians are “A**holes.” (32:36)
— Liberty University makes bank through its online education program. Too bad it’s not good for students. (34:50)
— Focus on the Family is legally a “church” now, and you should see how they pulled it off… (41:23)
— Students at “Christian Hogwarts” are doing something called “grave sucking” and trying to walk through walls. (52:06)
— Was Democratic National Committee vice chairman Keith Ellison right to say, “Women are dying” because his party loses elections? (57:34)
— We answer listener mail! (1:09:21)
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