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Jessica and I spoke about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
***CORRECTION***: The “He-Man Woman-Haters Club” is from the Little Rascals, not The Simpsons! Oops!
— What we can learn from the disgraceful life of Pat Robertson. (0:22)
— Stop overreacting about Jeopardy! players missing a clue about the Lord’s Prayer. (10:47)
— Most Christian pastors use armed church members to thwart a possible mass shooting. (18:25)
— Utah Republicans are furious schools banned the Bible to comply with their book-banning law. (27:05)
— The Catholic Church in Kansas City used the wrong wine… and broke the religion. (34:35)
— A California restaurant chain had employees confess their work-related sins to a fake priest. (43:26)
— U.S. bishops are about to block trans-affirming care at Catholic hospitals. (53:17)
— After complaints from Christians, Poland’s 666 bus to Hel will cease to exist. (1:05:45)
— Survey: In the U.K., belief in God has finally dipped below 50%. (1:09:35)