Dr. Dawn Eden was born into a Jewish family, became an Agnostic during her teenage years, and then found God and became a Catholic in her 30s. Along the way, she was a rock journalist and worked as an editor for the New York Post and Daily News. Since her conversion, she’s written several books including The Thrill of the Chaste and Remembering God’s Mercy: Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful Memories. She’s also a long-time blogger at the Dawn Patrol.
Before giving a talk at a church just outside of Chicago recently, we had 20 minutes to chat. We used the limited time to talk about her unique religious journey, whether allowing priests to have sex is a good idea, and how she arguably kickstarted my own career with this blog post.
(As I make clear in the podcast, there were several points I would love to have pushed back on and debated further, but time didn’t allow for it.)
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