Sticking God in Tennessee’s Constitution

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Jessica and I sat down to talk about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.

— A California law would force Catholic priests to report child sex abuse. (0:41)

— Washington legislators want to remove faith-healing homicide exemptions from the law. (6:47)

— A Colorado billboard welcomes women seeking abortions. (11:30)

— A Tennessee legislator wants to change the Constitution to include a useless line about God. (21:10)

— A Wyoming lawmaker supports the death penalty since that’s how Jesus was killed. (25:52)

Who’s to blame for the Flat Earth movement? YouTube. (27:50)

— Should a former teen ISIS member be allowed to re-enter society when she becomes an adult, if she doesn’t have any remorse? (32:50)

— Move over, Christian bakers. You’ve got company in the tax department. (41:55)

— The Church of Norway is apologizing for its stance on abortion. (45:42)

Pope Francis said critics of the Catholic Church were “friends of the Devil.” (48:52)

— Catholic cardinals blamed the “homosexual agenda” for the sex abuse scandal. (50:30)

— Michigan’s attorney general is going after the Catholic Church and its sex abuse cover-up. (52:16)

— A Christian Right leader went on a rant about witches in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s district. (56:05)

— What the Southern Baptist sex scandals teach us about the Catholic Church sex scandals. (1:00:40)

— An 11-year-old was arrested after he didn’t say the Pledge. Kind of. (1:04:15)

— What is going on with Jussie Smollett? (1:07:10)

(Image via Shutterstock)

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