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Jessica and I sat down to talk about several stories from the past week involving religion and politics.
— Your thoughts and prayers after the shooting in Las Vegas aren’t helping. (1:06)
— The folks at Fox and Friends think the shooter just “didn’t believe in God.” (14:31)
— The worst response to the shooting came from a Mormon who blamed the victims. (22:02)
— What should we make of the survivor who said he found God after surviving the massacre? (24:25)
— A woman says God protected her… after surviving an awful car accident. (32:53)
— The 14 Attorneys General who say a Giant Christian Cross in a Florida park is totally secular. (36:27)
— It’s okay to question a judicial nominee’s religious history. (43:31)
— Anti-abortion politician Rep. Tim Murphy is resigning after allegedly texting his mistress to tell her to abort their possible lovechild. (53:27)
— Flipping the bird in church is constitutionally protected speech! (56:47)
— Happy stories… about why Olive Garden is ruining Hemant. (1:02:22)
(Image via Shutterstock)
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